Session Start: Tue Apr 05 12:27:08 2011 Session Ident: #thefiringrange [20:17] I just had an incident with my room mate [20:17] You should be eating at least 2000 calories, assuming you're lazy [20:17] Don't shoot him [20:17] cut up the body with a hacksaw [20:17] No shoot everyone [20:17] Yeah, I'm probably eating less than 2000 calories. [20:17] this isnt helpful [20:18] You haven't asked a question yet [20:18] well maybe you should go into detail a little??? [20:18] oh. Was I in the wrong? [20:18] you came to the internet for helpful? [20:18] "Incident". If the cops haven't shown up after an hour, put him in two contractor bags and go for a drive. [20:18] What did your roommate do? [20:18] Ygolonac: oh yeah there's a great instructional video about this [20:18] I carry [20:19] Yeah, I linked it here. [20:19] thanks again for terrifying everyone in IRC with that [20:19] Just toss him into a vat of molten steel [20:19] I got home after me and him walked to the grocery store, and unholstered, and then, I'll admit, drew and aimed. No finger on the trigger [20:19] No, *this* is more terrifying. [20:20] why did you draw on your roommate? [20:20] what the fuck [20:20] wait what [20:20] He was about... 45 to 60 degrees to the right [20:20] I didnt draw on him! [20:20] why did you aim [20:20] uh why did you draw at all? [20:20] Did you have a James Bond moment? [20:20] you...drew your gun with someone else in the room [20:20] a little [20:20] Was the music playing? [20:20] for no reason? [20:20] for no reason [20:20] you suck [20:20] ~*no raisin*~ [20:20] like for real [20:20] If your roommate went batshit, then I'd say your roommate was justified. [20:21] guns are not toys [20:21] Cut the baby in half. Next case. [20:21] sounds like you shouldn't have one [20:21] McNally: Basically, if you exercise more and eat a little better (like more fresh whole food) at around 2100 calories, you will probably lose more weight. Bodies are tricky things that like to retain fat when you don't eat enough [20:21] I mean if this is the first time it's happened and nobody was hurt and your roommate is threatening to kick you out then maybe he's overreacting a little [20:22] um [20:22] What? [20:22] No [20:22] no i wouldn't live with some asshole who randomly pulls guns in my house [20:22] He drew a fucking gun [20:22] that's totally justified [20:22] but drawing a loaded gun for no reason is a little stupid [20:22] That's not overreacting a little [20:22] ^^ [20:22] A little stupid? [20:22] * uid0 sets mode: +h McNally [20:22] You have problems with adjectives, methinks [20:23] adverbs :eng101: [20:23] That or you have a cavalier attitude towards guns as well. [20:23] Those too [20:23] yes I have a problem with adverbs [20:23] i like you Carbohydrates [20:23] I like to use 'a little' when I mean 'holy fuck what is wrong with you' [20:23] you have good taste in guitars and grammar [20:23] hi lauren [20:23] Wait you drew.... just to be.... cool? [20:23] agreed. It was stupid [20:23] hi vipar!!! [20:24] * uid0 sets mode: +h Vipar [20:24] So we never really got to the point. What was your question? [20:24] do u like me [] yes [] no [] maybe [20:24] 17:18 < TheBananana> oh. Was I in the wrong? [20:24] yes. YES very much YES [20:24] looks like I already got it. [20:24] Wait, that was the question? [20:24] how's life, lauren [20:24] his question was 'was I in the wrong' [20:24] yes [20:24] what you did was insanely stupid and you shouldn't carry or probably even own a gun [20:24] What uid0 said [20:24] Vipar: busy, plannin the wedding [20:24] that seems a little overboard [20:24] uid0: bffs <3 [20:24] no, it really isn't [20:25] you sure? [20:25] seriously that is the fucking stupidest thing i've ever heard in this channel [20:25] There are two kinds of actions when gun comes out of holster [20:25] 1) Unholstering for storage [20:25] really?! [20:25] 2) IT'S GO TIME BITCHES [20:25] lauren when is it [20:25] 6/11 wanna come [20:25] in CA [20:25] id say mine was somewhere in between [20:25] fine a little overboard, what you did was incredibly dumb and you should completely rethink carrying and gun ownership before ever touching your gun again [20:25] can't i don't come to CA til 6/20 :( [20:25] nooooo [20:25] otherwise i would [20:25] do it anyway |:< [20:25] amen. [20:25] free beer [20:26] First time I did it, and last time for sure [20:26] Option 2 is appropriate when you're practicing draws in the mirror BY YOURSELF WITH THE DOOR CLOSED AND NOBODY AROUND AND THE GUN IS UNLOADED AND POSSIBLE PARTIALLY DISASSEMBLED SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY or when you're about to put a hole in someoen. [20:26] also 6/11 i'm doing a 5k with a bunch of friends [20:26] he just started yelling at me and shit. I was flustered, upset. but I didnt say anything back, [20:26] 2 of whom are getting married 6/4 [20:26] or snap caps [20:26] june's a busy month! [20:26] uh you need to go apologize [20:26] a billion times [20:26] please rethink your general attitude on guns and especially concealed carry in the future. The operative words are discretion and responsibility. [20:26] because you were Very Very Wrong [20:26] If you were my son, I would beat you [20:27] i sort of want to ban you [20:27] But we're not done berating him. [20:27] oh ok [20:27] i'll wait [20:27] uid0: well at least he's not being a dick about it. Could conceivably be worse. [20:27] True [20:27] um, pulling a gun on your roomate is being a huge dick [20:27] Yeah, but he's not beign all "I don't see what the problem was and I told that asshole to chill." [20:27] yes but he's not going "pfft you guys are pussies I was totally in the clear" [20:27] And he's not shouting all "bitch be cool!" [20:28] the fact that he would ask if it was a problem is just as bad [20:28] TheBananana: Was this not beaten into your head the minute you walked into your CC class? [20:28] we talked it out, and had a bro hug. [20:28] were you high or drunk TheBananana [20:28] Well, as long as you had a bro hug it's all okay. As long as you said "no bromo" afterwards [20:28] niether [20:28] you should be pretty glad he's not more pissed IMO [20:28] i hope he shoots you [20:28] That would've been a justified ass beating honestly. [20:28] go shoot yourself tbh [20:29] :( [20:29] uid0 where are you going on your honeymoon [20:29] europe for xmas/nye i think [20:29] also I can't believe you drew and aimed without clearing it first goddamn [20:29] i'll babysit your 911 while you're away [20:29] oh thanks [20:29] no problem [20:29] with out clearing? [20:29] such a pal [20:29] if it helps i'll walk and feed your dog too [20:29] aww [20:29] you can use her to pick up mad chicks [20:30] 8-) [20:30] she is a babe magnet [20:30] Remove magazine, eject chambered round, visually inspect chamber to ensure weapon is not loaded = clearing. [20:30] TheBananana: yeah, you know, like the first thing you do when you pull out a gun? clear it? make sure it's not loaded, like your CCW piece would be? [20:30] no round in the chamber. I'm still new to carying [20:30] inspect chamber a billion times, STILL DON'T POINT IT NEAR ANYONE [20:30] if i do i promise i won't bone any of them in your car [20:30] .. [20:30] Okay. [20:30] Well now. [20:30] goddammit [20:30] This is basically becoming "How not to carry 101" [20:30] so TheBananana you live in a state where you don't have to take a CCW class huh [20:30] my init.d script won't work [20:30] McNally: pretty much. This is a cautionary tale, kids. [20:31] can i ban him now? holy shit [20:31] Also carry with a round in the chamber [20:31] no, please don't [20:31] don't carry at all [20:31] sup [20:31] * McNally is now known as Billy_Quan [20:31] go learn about gun safety first FFS [20:31] So you can shoot yourself [20:31] Maybe he learned from some dude that likes "Israelli carry" [20:31] pull trigger [20:31] make boom [20:31] * Billy_Quan carries safely and responsibly. Be like Billy! [20:31] i don't think he learned shit [20:31] drop tangoes [20:31] * Billy_Quan is now known as McNally [20:31] tangoes aka your roommate [20:31] Atmus: goddamn the fact that people actually do that and call it that just infuriates me [20:31] ND [20:31] go take a class ASAP [20:31] Never Discharge [20:32] Carbohydrates> Yeah, isn't it great? [20:32] Okay, TheBananana, I'm going to give you three rules for carrying: [20:32] * Sjurygg ( Quit (Client exited) [20:32] * Sjurygg_ ( has joined #thefiringrange [20:32] 1) Never draw unless you're going to kill things [20:32] Israeli carry? [20:32] 2) Keep a round chambered because you might need it quick, fast and in a hurry [20:32] 3) You're not allowed to carry anymore [20:32] israeli carry: carrying with nothing in the chamber, you rack the slide as you draw [20:32] umm... please try to seperate this from my incident, but I *just* got my CHL, and I'm just working out the ins and outs of my holster, so for now, I'm carrying without one in the chamber [20:32] Also known as going Hollywood [20:32] Carbohydrates: seems slow [20:33] If you're not comfortable with your gun not NDing into your penis or whatever, you shouldn't be carrying. [20:33] (it looks cool but is stupid) [20:33] people only do that because "it's totally stylish and the israelis do it so it must own". in truth the israelis only did it because they had some guns that were not safe to carry with a chambered round due to poor trigger safeties and such [20:33] This should teach you never to draw or even show anyone else you carry [20:33] there is no reason to ever do it with a modern firearm [20:33] \period [20:33] Get to know your firearm. Understand how it works. If there's a valid concern that if you keep a round chambered and you'll shoot yourself in the ballsack, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. [20:33] Thus spake Jeff Cooper. [20:33] Either by carry style or choice of firearm. [20:34] TheBananana: what kind of holster are you using that requires time to get a hang of the ins and outs of it? [20:34] Hello fellers [20:34] hay [20:34] It is gimp suit jones. [20:34] It is indeed! [20:34] Where is TF? I saw a sandwichboard ad today that he would have appreciated [20:34] If you say "Uncle Mike's," I'm going to have to revoke your 00 status. [20:35] Carry condition 2 is army recommended for 1911s when not expecting to employ them [20:35] What ad is that? [20:35] :colbert: [20:35] I have an Uncle Mike's. I got it for free with a used gun. I have never and will never use it, but I'm keeping it as a target at the next PNW shoot [20:35] if you get hungry enough you can chew the leather :preparedness: [20:35] got a mtac [20:36] gimpsuitjones? where? that fucker owes me [20:36] Carbohydrates, put a shitty italian knock off SA reolver in it and see if you can sell it for more [20:36] which gun do you own (and are about to give up)? [20:36] JunkCollector: army sidearms are worlds apart from CCW :colbert: [20:36] pps [20:36] Fang> One for Steel Reserve being on sale for $2 a sixpack [20:36] Not when you are a high speed low drag operator like all of us here Carbohydrates [20:37] Ah, quality. [20:37] Part of me is concerned that we're coming across as too harsh, but you need to understand the wrongness of all of this. You could hardly be more wrong if your name was Wrongy McWrongstein and you drew the pistol to scratch your nose with the barrel while talking about how awesome creationsim is. [20:37] that's pretty wrong [20:37] Creationsim sounds like a cool game. [20:37] that seems wrong [20:37] * Ferret ( Quit (Quit: Ferret) [20:37] It's called Spore and it kinda sucked. [20:37] Creationary is an awesome game. [20:37] I clean house at that shit. [20:37] McNally> Kinda? [20:37] he could have aimed directly at the roomie... [20:38] I try not to speak negative about my lord and master Wil Wright. [20:38] * Ygolonac_ (~Ygolonac@D6456FCB.1219FDEA.12786BE8.IP) has joined #thefiringrange [20:38] I got a shitty IWB holster with my Bulldog on Saturday. Hoster appears to be for a Kel-Tec or Kahr or similar small-frame auto. Obviously, I'm not suing it for a .44 Special revolver. [20:38] If I stay positive enough, he might give me the time I sank into the Sims games back. [20:38] The only thing Spore was good for was proving that Wil Wright can disappoint his fans in such a way as to make Peter Molyneux look reliable and understated [20:38] Ygolonac_: yeah that wouldn't hold up in court at all [20:39] Miso-Beno: tactical tuesday disappoints [20:39] Wil Wright needs to go back to making Sim City [20:39] TheBananana: You're also being "that guy" they talk about in CCW class. The "guy" you don't want to be [20:39] i didnt shoot myself in the leg with a glock [20:40] what's the bababananananana doing? [20:40] i cbf scrolling up [20:40] * Ygolonac (~Ygolonac@D6456FCB.1219FDEA.12786BE8.IP) Quit (Ping timeout) [20:40] being dumb [20:40] YOu'd have to have a round in the chamber for that. [20:40] he shot his roommate in the face [20:40] give me tl;dr [20:40] really? cool [20:40] no [20:40] gimpsuitjones: he pulled a loaded CCW piece and aimed it a few feet from his roommate and was wondering if he was in the wrong for doing so [20:40] gimpsuitjones: he drew his pistol for the fuck of it while his roommate was in the room [20:40] Damnit, I want a tactical taco [20:40] And it's come out that he also carries without a round in the chamber. [20:41] ok carrying with no round: dumb [20:41] Please tell me there are rounds in the mag at least, yes? And the top round isn't a snap cap? [20:41] And the mag is actually in the pistol too? [20:41] I carry all snap caps so as I furiously work the slide they see shells ejecting and think they are being shot at [20:41] Shai_Hulud: sorry I got distracted by minecraft [20:41] I CCW with the chamber clear, the mag empty and in my pocket, and the slide detail stripped with the firing pin hidden in my anus [20:41] I need to post it :p [20:42] * threeseven-work ( has joined #thefiringrange [20:42] I also set my mp3 player to shotgunrack.mpeg [20:42] Carbohydrates: you know aluminum 30s are that tight on the 30th round too [20:42] Miso-Beno: its ok i guess. after watching Heintrons rollercoaster video I can see how that could be a time sink [20:42] As soon as I get accustomed to carrying, I will chamber a round. It's just got me a little nervous is all. [20:42] threeseven-work: !~ [20:42] If you're not comfortable with it, don't carry. [20:42] I have no alumimags so I was just comparing PMAGs and lancers straight across :) [20:42] and you can force 31 rounds into a pmag and fuck it up [20:42] what' minecraft [20:42] I CCW one of those Norinco coach-guns cocked'n'locked, cut down to 8 inches. [20:42] i only have alumags [20:42] i can't get pmags :( [20:42] Carbohydrates: I just download my mags [20:42] Under my trench coat/wizrd robes (depending on occasion). [20:43] Miso-Beno: I tried that but all the torrents were corrupted [20:43] minecraft? [20:43] the game authenticates with a central server [20:43] gimpsuitjones: what horrible place do you live that denies you pmags? [20:43] I really feel like I set fire to any sort of reputation I may or may not have accumulated in my 2 years of posting. It is a dark day. [20:44] new zealand [20:44] mcnally there are three kinds of situations where you draw [20:44] not two [20:44] 1) storage [20:44] you did TheBananana and now you must live forever with that shame [20:44] 2) go time [20:44] i could get pmags but it's :effort: and i have a stack of alumags [20:44] oh well at least you can console yourself with the fact that new zealand is fucking beautiful [20:44] yeah [20:44] i'm pretty sure it' [20:44] fuck it [20:44] 3) instructional, for others or yourself [20:44] what's minecraft [20:44] its like a lego mmo [20:44] it's a hobbit simulator [20:44] a dark monstrous thing that will steal time then your soul [20:44] 4) Trump card to win an arguement [20:45] I lumped instructional in with go time for simplicity. [20:45] 5) behavioral modifier [20:45] There are different kinds of go. [20:45] modification* [20:45] 6. card cheats [20:45] At different times. [20:45] TheBananana: are you the sweatpants commando in this picture? [20:45] Alright, then. [20:45] Sometimes you go number 1, sometimes you go number 2, for example. [20:45] I draw my CCW piece at exciting moments during television shows [20:45] I always deuce. [20:45] And sometimes, you have to vomit at the same time. [20:45] and there goes the rest of it. :( [20:45] 'cause dats how us gangstas roll [20:45] I carry a pencil and notepad for this purpose [20:45] DEUCES [20:45] Ah, yes. The dreaded number three. [20:46] gimpsuitjones: TV shows are the best time to practice dry firing. Realtalk. [20:46] I like to shoot blanks whenever the bad guy shows up on Walker Texas Ranger [20:46] so yeah [20:46] I'm tempted to buy this man a custom title [20:46] ended up joining a server on MC last night [20:46] and it pretty dang good [20:46] so my buddies and I started work on our fortres [20:46] minecraft is more addicting that crack cocaine. Be careful! [20:47] but found out that it was in an area that is frequently griefed so we had to move it [20:47] InsaneTotoro: a gif of a gunjuggling trickshot dude [20:47] Miso-Beno: i was initially very upset at being the high-hat, but i'm glad there was a good explanation for it [20:47] Carbohydrates: I know i lost prety much all of october to it [20:47] minecraft might be cheaper than crack cocaine [20:47] Shai_Hulud: Im gonna go finsh it u [20:47] *finish up the post and get a cup of coffee [20:47] I lost 6 hours today to MC [20:47] oh. i was prepared to wait until next week [20:47] oh I'll just back date it [20:47] also, they weren't sweatpants. [20:47] gizmojumpjet: I was thinking big red letters [20:48] I dont have enough traffic volume to actually care [20:48] 'cause miso back traced it [20:48] i'm gay [20:48] the consequences will never be the same [20:48] that's just the way it is [20:48] things will never be the same [20:48] bruce [20:48] return of the bruce [20:49] Bruce Hornsby reference [20:49] *da na na* [20:49] fuckin hell, this 3d printer talk makes me want to get mine up and running again =( [20:49] I think the heating filament is busted though [20:49] i see no changes, all i see is racist faces misplaced hate makes disgrace to races we under I wonder what it takes to make this one better place, let's erase the wasted [20:49] * da na na* [20:49] fuck [20:50] Pizza is ready. Going to go now. Please don't buy me a custom title. I promise I learned from my mistake. Also, yes. [20:50] to late [20:50] * TheBananana ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) [20:50] wow what a retard [20:51] : s t a r e : [20:51] WELP [20:51] today has been... educational -- 14:39 [synirc] [The_Bananana(] What is the problem? 14:40 [synirc] [The_Bananana(] I didn't do anything to you. You don't know what happened, and sugges ting that I pointed a gun at anyone is plain proof of that. 14:41 [synirc] [The_Bananana(] Kicking me and worse, banning me, is wrong, and if it continues to ha ppen, I will pursue measures to circumvent your "authority". 14:42 [synirc] [The_Bananana(] That is fine.